A wedding and a farewell....
On Saturday we experienced or first Highway Community wedding. It was great! The same venue is used for the wedding ceremony and the reception. While the bridal couple have their photo's the people kick into gear and in around 43 minutes transform the venue into a wonderful reception venue with all the works. Those same people then sit down and enjoy the reception before packing and cleaning up the entire place! Quite a feat! This wedding had a strong indian influence due to the grooms heritage. It was wonderful. The food was good and had my stomach speaking Hindustani for the rest of the weekend. The ceremony was great with the elders and their wives praying, prophesying and releasing them into their destiny in GOD. Good stuff! Tess made herself available to do a stint of babysitting for about 45 minutes. All the children below teen-age were in the youth building with mainly the women of the church taking shifts to look after the kid. I say mainly 'cos I went down with Tess and had shortly arranged a very physical 5 on 5 indoor soccer match in which I got nicely pummeled! It has been a long time since I have played soccer at a wedding!...if ever?
That evening we hit a farewell.. met the guy for the first time and then said goodbye! It was a fun evening. One of our new friends called Andrew made the mistake of begging people to come to the farewell (which was at the digs he stays in) and then not being there himself so a couple of us promptly swopped the belongings in his room with the belongings in the garage. He got a nice surprise when arriving home at around 2am to find his bed,pc etc in the garage.
We then headed to the Windmill for M
milkshakes which was cool and

then off home to 
That evening we hit a farewell.. met the guy for the first time and then said goodbye! It was a fun evening. One of our new friends called Andrew made the mistake of begging people to come to the farewell (which was at the digs he stays in) and then not being there himself so a couple of us promptly swopped the belongings in his room with the belongings in the garage. He got a nice surprise when arriving home at around 2am to find his bed,pc etc in the garage.
We then headed to the Windmill for M

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