2 Weddings and the flu...
We were recently in the beautiful city of Cape Town for 10 days. We had 2 weddings to attend,a multitude of friends to see and, of course, our wonderful family to spend time with. It was a really good time only marred by both of us picking up a nasty flu bug thing 3 days before flying back to EL.
Highlights in no particular order:

Highlights in no particular order:
- Taking a day to do the tourist thing around the peninsula.
- Walking in the beautiful Constantia vineyards with my even more beautiful wife accompanied by Connie the Ridgeback and Bunny the Wiener dog.
- Leading worship and singing "FREEEEEDOM" @ Rob and Karies wedding on Freedom Day in a tent in the rain.....the tent of meeting with His presence like rain....Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
- Meeting the tiny brand new Miss Rebekah Fitzpatrick.
- Spending time with our wonderful families and friends.
- Playing X-Box
- Hearing Floyd Mclung share at MBC and having him lay hands on us and pray after the meeting.
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