Changing gears...
Well....this morning we discovered that Tess's car had been broken into last night. The little window that forms part of the right back door had been smashed. All they took was the face of the oldest tape/radio player you have ever seen! How ridiculous! All's fine though. Had the window replaced and had the car valeted. It was quite odd. I did not get angry or even slightly phased by this thing! In fact I rather enjoyed the morning with Tess. We drove to PG Glass and sat in their reception area for about 45 minutes and chatted while the window was replaced. Then we went and had the car vacuumed etc. It was great. The entire time I had "The joy of the Lord is my strength" going around in my head....this while we were spending around R500 on the consequences of somebody else's silly act of crime! I love it! I got to work at about 11:15am and it has been pretty frantic since then!
So...back to the weekend. Friday night we had a great farewell dinner with Don. He flew out on Saturday morning after we had watched the All Blacks take the Tri-nations by defeating Australia. Tess and I headed for some leadership training which we felt very priviledged to be a part of seeing we are quite new on the scene. Saturday night we crashed early. Tess preached at Sunday school again while I sang in the worship team. Really enjoyed it. We are currently enjoying a revelatory series on the book of Revelation! The Sunday morning sermon was a cracker! Seriously anointed stuff. If anybody wants a copy drop me a was awesome!
Sunday night we headed over to the Thompsons to hear about an outreach opportunity. We are all very excited. Currently it is in the early planning stages but looks something like this. We set up a big tent in the parking lot of a club as a "chill room" offering free coffee and bottled water. We will then be chatting with the people that drift in and giving them invitations to an event coming up where an evangelist from Durban will be speaking. This will take place from about 12-4am so should be heaps of fun!
Tess and I have had such an expectation recently of things beginning to shift and change gear. I believe we are beginning to see the outworkings ...YEEHAA!
On my side I am going into the studio tonight with a new song which I am really looking forward to recording.
Tess is in the last week of her sewing course...look out for pictures of her work shortly.....
Here are some pics of last nights session....

So...back to the weekend. Friday night we had a great farewell dinner with Don. He flew out on Saturday morning after we had watched the All Blacks take the Tri-nations by defeating Australia. Tess and I headed for some leadership training which we felt very priviledged to be a part of seeing we are quite new on the scene. Saturday night we crashed early. Tess preached at Sunday school again while I sang in the worship team. Really enjoyed it. We are currently enjoying a revelatory series on the book of Revelation! The Sunday morning sermon was a cracker! Seriously anointed stuff. If anybody wants a copy drop me a was awesome!
Sunday night we headed over to the Thompsons to hear about an outreach opportunity. We are all very excited. Currently it is in the early planning stages but looks something like this. We set up a big tent in the parking lot of a club as a "chill room" offering free coffee and bottled water. We will then be chatting with the people that drift in and giving them invitations to an event coming up where an evangelist from Durban will be speaking. This will take place from about 12-4am so should be heaps of fun!
Tess and I have had such an expectation recently of things beginning to shift and change gear. I believe we are beginning to see the outworkings ...YEEHAA!
On my side I am going into the studio tonight with a new song which I am really looking forward to recording.
Tess is in the last week of her sewing course...look out for pictures of her work shortly.....
Here are some pics of last nights session....

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