Morgans Bay camp
This weekend we headed out to Morgans Bay for a young adults camp. This beautiful seaside village is about 40min out of East London towards Durban.

We were all split between the Thompsons family home and The Wardles family home.

Friday night we braaied and hung out before all trying to find a bed and get some sleep.

We were up early at around 7am for a walk on the beach and a swim before having 2 sessions starting at 9:30am going until luchtime at 1pm. It was good input and you could really sense the Lord touching hearts.

Saturday afternoon was left unplanned so with the weather still good people headed off in various directions for a variety of activities. Tess headed up to the cliffs with some of the girls, Graeme and Reid went for a run and most of the guys including myself had a cracking 5 on5 beach soccer game before heading off to catch the 2nd half of the Bokke putting some points past the Aussies!

Saturday night we had a massive stir-fry for supper followed by another session which was great.
Sunday morning we headed off early to make the meeting before getting home to crash for an hour. Then off to a wonderful gane of footy in the driving rain. Brilliant! That is the main reason I can hardly walk today!!!
Tess and I are really excited about the way there is momentum building in GOD at HCC and we can't wait to see what happens when it breaks out. Di Moffatt is joining us for a couple of days at the end of the week which we are looking forward to. God is good.

We were all split between the Thompsons family home and The Wardles family home.

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